January was awesome! With rakeback, I took in a little over $700. I'm just 3000 hands shy of my fairly ambitious hand goal and about 1.3 buy-ins short of being rolled for NL50. I should get there by the end of the week (yay rakeback!), unless another downswing hits me.

I learned a few useful tips this month. Allow me to share :). First, I found out how incredibly swingy the game gets from NL25 and up. People really don't give NL25 and NL50 enough credit because they're still "micros." There's a 10-buy-in downswing there in my graph. I also had a super hot 8 buy-in upswing just a few days ago. This game is CRAZY!!!

Also, more importantly, I found out that I am much, much better 3-tabling Rush than I am 4-tabling. I tend to lose track of the action with 4, and way too many times this month I ended up folding premiums preflop because I couldn't get to the screen in time. AA, KK, QQ, AK... you name it, I folded it. It's pretty horrible when you click the raise button and think you just got it in time... but you didn't. Because you were an idiot and played too many tables. IDIOT!!! That may or may not have had a lot to do with my downswing.

So I got smart, cut down to the number of tables I could handle, and things took off with a bang. It also doesn't hurt that I luckboxed a couple buy-ins to end the month today :). And that's how you double a bankroll, folks. Can I keep my success up in February, and at NL50? Is it THAT much harder than NL25? Was this all just a 50,000 hand pipe dream and I'll wake up as my true fishy self in February? Stay tuned.