Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thorn's Big Mistakes: Tilting Down

February brought a rude awakening: I'm still a tilt-monkey. Shortly after my last, glorious post about a storybook January, I hit another 10-buyin downswing at NL25 Rush over about 3000 hands, just before I hit my oh-so-close bankroll goal of $1500. At least three buy-ins were lit on fire due to tilt.

But wait, my tilt problem got even worse. I somehow convinced myself that I was close enough to my $1500 goal, and following my beat down, not only did I fail to cut my losses and quit, I MOVED UP to NL50 Rush.

"I crushed NL25 over 50k hands, right? Screw those last 3k hands and ten buy-ins, I can win it all back with just 5 buy-ins at NL50, DUH!!!" And that's how my bankroll dropped to $850, cutting off all of January's profit aside from $100 (all of which comes from rakeback, so my graph is actually negative again).

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you light over 40% of your bankroll on fire. Thank you, thank you. But there's good news! Coming next time (hopefully): a thrilling tale of recovery! I'm a man of faith... plus I'm still up $141 for the year, so even though I feel like a huge moron, it's hard to be too disappointed when my bankroll has gone up almost 20% in a month and a half.

Current bankroll = $891.

Staying Positive,


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