Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Spend it like Big Government! The Great Money Hole of 2013

I cannibalized my poker roll (plus most of my savings).

It may not have done any favors towards
furthering my poker goals, but it was a massively +EV life decision.

A lot's happened since my last post, and I haven't played too much poker in the interim. What I DID do was buy my first house, my first car, and get promoted at work to my first supervisory position. Then I went on a spending spree and dropped a ton of money on clothes so I could literally look like a boss.

In other words, I'm recovering from a massive spending binge.

Asian babies are clearly the cutest.
Oh, and little Thorn arrived! Though I should mention that he carries a hefty price tag himself. Our thankfully, surprisingly good maternity coverage paid for all but $75 of his delivery (average expenditure is over $1,000 WITH insurance, for a routine birth), but formula, diapers, and clothing adds a significant amount to baby-raising costs.

Oh, and I forgot to mention: Daycare costs $370 per week. Yes, that is not a typo. Per month, that's a whopping $1603.33. It's actually on the cheaper side for my area, but that still runs more than college tuition PLUS room and board... and I couldn't take out any fancy loans for it.

Now I know why Americans don't have many kids on average.

I'm slowly building a poker roll back up on Seals. More poker updates to come, including a few trips I made to the newish Maryland Live! casino, a horrible poker mistake that's cost me $2,000, and forays into the crazy game of Pot-Limit Omaha.

Stay tuned this weekend!


  1. Hey Thorny! I'm in Maryland. Where in MD are you? And what's your Seals screen name?

  2. I'm in Montgomery County, about 30 minutes north west of DC. How about you?

    My seals name is PlaceboFX.

  3. I live in Potomac. My screen name is KeepFloppin. I'm usually at cash games.

  4. Got it. What stakes and games do you play for the cash games? I'm currently at NLHE 6max .5/1 through 2/4, and dipping my toes into PLO at .1/.2 when a table gets going.
