Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Power Company FAIL

We take some things for granted in first world countries. Like working electricity. We've got that down, right? Right? Wait, what's that, power company? Your power lines are all precariously built by tall trees and a little seasonal storm completely screws up the power grid? And you let it get so screwed up that you're calling in teams from as far away as Ohio to help, and you STILL can't fix the problem in less than 3 days? What the hell, it went out last Sunday, and I still don't have power. I'm mooching off a friend's netbook at the moment. And I'm jealous my fiancee and her roommates have power. They live 3 blocks away. They had power restored the morning after the storm.

Rub it in, Pepco. Rub it in.

No lights, cell phone charging, refrigeration, cooking, or TV? I'm good to go. No internet? No poker?!? FML.

Addicted? Perhaps just a liiiiittle bit.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Poker update, lovely rakeback

Got $60 in rakeback for this week!

Although I'm still gnashing my teeth at fulltiltrakeback.com, because my balance said $97, not $60. And that's not including whatever I've played the last 3 days. They're frustrating me.

As far as hitting $750 on my FTP account, the rakeback brought me up to $400. I'm on track to get there by mid-August... although I'm not sure I'll be ready to move up by then. Why not, you ask? Well, because I haven't fully made the transition to NL 10 yet. Yup, I lost 5 buy ins and moved down as per my BRM guidelines (hooray discipline!), and then stacked donkeys at NL 5 to get back up to $315 (13 buyins, woot woot), and then I got rakeback and "cheated" with FTP's quick deposit bonus of $15 for a $10 deposit, adding the last $25 to get me to where I am now.

I love me some deposit bonuses. Thought briefly about making my goal $800 instead, but nah, we'll see how we are in another week.

Good luck at the tables!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thorn's Big Mistakes #6

So I 4-table Rush Poker now, getting in around 1,000 hands an hour. Yup. 1 grand. That's like 14-16 tabling a normal internet table. Or playing 50+ hours at a live table. I squeeze that into one hour. Thank you FTP. Truly.

So how is that a big mistake? Well, it isn't, really. But it's led to an entirely new mistake that I not only didn't have before, but also can't just look at and quick fix it like my earlier leaks.

The mistake: Mistyping bet amounts. Going so fast, I just type numbers into my numpad and hit enter. Once, that led me to lose about 4/5 a buy-in more than I should have, essentially going all in instead of just betting pot in a bet/fold situation. That was my first encounter with the issue, and it made me die a little inside. Since then, I've mistyped a few bet amounts, betting $2 instead of $1, etc. Thankfully, most of the times it didn't matter, villains folded or I minraised preflop instead of 3x BB.

Heck, it even probably made me money once. I was dealt everyone's favorite aces in MP, I open with a standard 3x BB bet, half-stacked button calls, 100BB stack 3x 3-bets me from the BB, and I go to 2.5x 4-bet him... only to end up sticking my whole 180 BB stack in the middle due to a typing error. Amazingly, by the grace of the poker donkey spirit, the button calls. Even more amazingly, the BB tanks for a while, and then HE calls! They show 77 and QQ, respectively, the BB says he put me on AK since I shoved so hard, I dodge the 4 combined outs, and it's suddenly Christmas in July.

Still, I'd rather be able to control my bet sizing a bit better.

Massive Update: The winning life?! + Poker goals

Disclaimer: LONG post! It more resembles a Hoyazo lifestream thesis than my usual posts. You've been warned!

I know I haven't updated in a while. No, I'm not dead, I didn't get crushed by the 4k water bill (still not resolved, btw, don't wanna talk about it), and I haven't lost my liferoll to poker.

Quite the opposite, actually. As the sharper ones among you may have gathered from the title, I've been running incredibly well at the poker tables. So well, in fact, that I have a very hard time believing it's true. Just a month ago I was almost positive I was just a marginal tournament winner and a cash game loser. The numbers since then are pointing to the possibility that all my hard studying and review might be showing really, really good results.

My bankroll on FTP a month ago was around $60. It's now $300, and I'll be getting $51+ in rakeback soon. How? Well, it started when Waffles posted about superturbo sngs. I tried them, ground out a few hundred of them, and rolled myself up all the way to $145. Woot, hooray for the run good!

And then, just a week ago, I decided to hit the Rush Poker tables again in preparation for Rush week. This is when the fireworks went off. I made a few significant changes to my cash game, and suddenly shot up 12 buy ins at 10NL! Sadly, that was over maybe 5k hands (hardly a good sample size), and another few thousand hands later, I lost 10 of those buyins, putting my roll at $156. So I studied my game again, closed a few big leaks that I noticed, and moved on down to 5NL (hooray good bankroll management!). I've played somewhere from 15k-20k hands at 5NL since then and got myself up the 19.5 buy-ins to $250, accumulating $50 in rakeback along the way (Rush Poker spits out rake and rakeback like a BP oil well!).

Then yesterday I moved up to my previous nemesis, 10NL Rush Poker, and promptly lost 3.5 buy ins. But lo and behold! I felt I was just running bad, and gave myself another 1.6 buyins to lose before moving back down, and just 20 minutes ago I finished grinding my way to finally breaking $300.

Rakeback's gonna be enormous o.O (Can't tell, www.fulltiltrakeback.com doesn't update very often, maybe every 3 days. So meh, no link for them).

And I've set an ambitious poker goal! I want to grind my bankroll up to $750 by mid-August, and move up yet again to NL25 Rush Poker. I know even the 20-30k hands I've played recently are most likely largely due in part to running really, really well and FTP's Rush Week, which has probably brought all the donks out to play. I've got like a 8-10 pt/bb win rate, not certain because my PT3 trial ran out, which is ridiculous since I was a losing player a month ago. Still, I figure I'm playing really well and I'm probably at least a 5 pt/bb winner at these tables that I've been crushing.

I'll try and post goals and progress reports more to keep me motivated. Oh yeah, and I 4-table the Rush. Boo yah. The sky's the limit, and I'm gonna run with this as far as I can.

Best. Hobby. Ever.

May the run good be with you!