Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Power Company FAIL

We take some things for granted in first world countries. Like working electricity. We've got that down, right? Right? Wait, what's that, power company? Your power lines are all precariously built by tall trees and a little seasonal storm completely screws up the power grid? And you let it get so screwed up that you're calling in teams from as far away as Ohio to help, and you STILL can't fix the problem in less than 3 days? What the hell, it went out last Sunday, and I still don't have power. I'm mooching off a friend's netbook at the moment. And I'm jealous my fiancee and her roommates have power. They live 3 blocks away. They had power restored the morning after the storm.

Rub it in, Pepco. Rub it in.

No lights, cell phone charging, refrigeration, cooking, or TV? I'm good to go. No internet? No poker?!? FML.

Addicted? Perhaps just a liiiiittle bit.

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