Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Poker hasn't been a huge priority lately. Partly due to the fact that I'm one of those normal downswings (I finished 3 buy-ins below AIEV today in just 1200 hands... only lost a total of 6.5bb for the day, though, so no biggie), but mostly due to actual life concerns.

Alrighty. I admit, I haven't been completely honest with all of you. I've been engaged for ten months already. Now I'm getting married in two!

I originally started this blog to be solely about poker, but life intruded. Things are more interesting this way, anyhow.

Back to the future Mrs. Thorn, she just moved last weekend to what will be our marital apartment. We're old school, dyed-in-the-blue Catholic folk, so we're not going to be living together until after we tie the knot. Which means I'm paying double rent for a couple months (no biggie, really; I'm a frugal guy and have more than enough saved up). The downside was that we ended up moving on a weekend when most of our friends were busy/also out of town/moving themselves since we all basically moved into our places at the same time (graduating from college will do that).

So we had to move by ourselves. Turns out I can handle that big ol' sleeper couch all by myself. Not bad for a 5'6" guy. Still, we've got so much stuff to move on over. Wedding gifts have been arriving, gifts from the bridal shower, furniture my fiancee inherited this last year, etc. It's crazy. I had a "Fight Club" moment where I wanted to go all Tyler Durden and burn it all to the ground.

It's a nice place we're moving to. Top floor of the apartment building, beautiful view, down the block from her workplace, 30-minute commute from mine.

Stil... you can blow anything up with enough soap...

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