Thursday, April 1, 2010

The beginnings of HUD-enhanced play.

Here's my first successful cash-game graph!

As you can see, I started off my PT3 graph by losing 2 and a quarter buy-ins. It turns out I haven't quite gotten to the level of automatically being able to play well; while setting up my HUD, researching the different stats, and playing two tables at the same time, my focus and game went to high hell. I chased, I was a station, all in all just terrible play. That's taught me how unprepared I am to become a mass multi-tabler. There's just no way I can play anywhere near optimal without analyzing the hand for a bit. I might try tackling three tables in a bit after I've gotten used to using the HUD.

I really haven't consulted the statistics as much as I should have at each hand decision, relying more on my conventional reads and notes. Not really a negative thing, but I won't be able to do that if I try mass multi-tabling some day.

Once I started playing without the distraction of learning about PT3, however, I was immediately back to flooring the tables. I won it all back and then some, so my graph has me up by 1 and a quarter buy-ins. Of course, that doesn't include my earlier successes before getting PT3 at 2NL, so I'm really up about 3 buy-ins more than that at these stakes. Here's hoping that my 1000-hand sample or so is indicative of future success and not just some incredibly awesome, positive variance. Considering that I understand the plays being made and am hand-reading much better against villains, though, I don't think I have much to be afraid of.


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